360Rize 360Penguin Easy to Use Featured_(1024x1024)

The 360Penguin is as easy to use as a traditional camera

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Easy to Navigate

360Rize 360Penguin Product shotFrom the very beginning, the objective of the 360Penguin has been to bring an advanced, yet easy to use 360 camera to market. The camera is so easy to use in fact, that anybody of any age can use it. Like a traditional camera, all it takes is a point and click.

Generally, traditional point and shoot cameras are extremely cheap and user friendly. Unfortunately, words like “cheap” are almost always associated with poor quality. On the contrary, cameras that are expensive tend to be difficult to operate. What if this wasn’t the case? What if a camera was affordable, easy to use, and had good quality? The 360Penguin is that camera.

Simple to Use

Leah's boy 360PenguinIf you can press a button you can operate our new camera system. In fact, only two buttons are used to control all main functions. A camera this simple, should not be this capable! 360 cameras that are easy to use are few and far between. Easy to use 360 cameras that shoot 5.7K video, with a starting price of $298.88, are unheard of.

When you point and shoot with a traditional camera, you’re limited to the field of the lens, usually no more than 55 degrees. With the 360Penguin, you have no limit. Place it in the center of the action and you get a full 360-degree spherical view of the world around the camera. And our technology allows you to create not only the 360 view but standard images!

Have you ever taken photos with a traditional Kodak single use film camera? If you have then you know they are extremely cheap and easy to use. In all likelihood, they are the world’s simplest camera. A simple point and click is all it takes. Unfortunately, however, the picture and overall camera quality is poor. An avid photographer wouldn’t even bat an eye at one of these cameras. The reason I bring up the Kodak is because the 360Penguin is just as easy to use, while being able to shoot an industry leading 5.7K video and 24-megapixel photos.

The 360Penguin really is the easiest to use 360 camera on the planet.

Get Your 360Penguin Here!